Welcome to Liberty Federation: The Future of Freedom

In a world where true liberty is often compromised, Liberty Federation stands as a beacon of decentralized governance, voluntary cooperation, and individual sovereignty. Here, freedom isn’t just a principle—it’s a way of life. Our community is built on mutual respect, self-reliance, and the unwavering belief that every individual has the right to govern their own life, free from coercion. Whether you’re here to explore innovative systems of decentralized governance, connect with like-minded freedom enthusiasts, or join the movement toward a truly voluntary society, Liberty Federation is your home for liberty in action.


Our mission is to build a vibrant community of freedom lovers dedicated to exploring new ideas and frameworks for living free from unnecessary government interference. We aim to peacefully acquire a physical location where we can experiment with decentralized governance models, innovative societal structures, and sustainable living practices. Our community seeks to create a space where individuals can collaborate, innovate, and thrive in a voluntary, self-governed environment.

We’re not just dreaming—we’re taking actionable steps toward building a real-world haven for liberty-minded individuals. By pooling our resources, knowledge, and passion for freedom, we’re working together to create a society based on mutual respect, voluntary cooperation, and the non-aggression principle.

Join us as we turn these aspirations into reality—where freedom is not just a principle, but a way of life.

Below is the foundational framework we aim to use as the starting point for this bold new venture. Your participation is crucial in shaping a set of principles that will allow our community to flourish without coercion—whether from government actors or individuals. We eagerly invite your feedback. Challenge this constitution, identify its weaknesses, and together, we’ll refine it into a framework that truly sets us free.

Building a Foundation for True Freedom


Below is the foundational framework we aim to use as the starting point for this bold new venture. Your participation is crucial in shaping a set of principles that will allow our community to flourish without coercion—whether from government actors or individuals. We eagerly invite your feedback. Challenge this constitution, identify its weaknesses, and together, we’ll refine it into a framework that truly sets us free.

The Constitution of the Liberty Federation




We, the free sovereigns of the Liberty Federation, establish this Constitution to protect our inherent rights, preserve freedom, and ensure that governance remains strictly limited to its core functions: protecting individuals and their property, defending against external threats, and administering justice. Rights are inherent and not granted by any authority. This framework exists solely to safeguard these rights without exceeding the clearly defined boundaries established herein.

Article I: Foundational Rights and Principles


Inherent Rights: All sovereigns possess inherent rights to life, liberty, and property. These rights are recognized and protected.

Non-Aggression Principle: No entity shall initiate force or interfere with voluntary associations unless rights are violated.

Personal and Economic Freedom: All sovereigns and entities have the right to engage in any activity or transaction, provided it does not infringe upon others’ rights.

Immutable Rights and Universal Application: Immutable rights apply universally to all sovereigns and communities. No community or citizen may opt out of providing or recognizing these rights, and no legal framework within the Federation may violate these core protections.

Article II: Powers and Limitations of Governance


Voluntary Participation: Participation in this governance framework is voluntary. Sovereigns and communities may opt in or out, choose their own governance models, and form associations as long as they respect core constitutional rights.

Limited Functions: Governance is strictly limited to:

  1. Protecting individuals and property.
  2. Defending against external threats.
  3. Administering decentralized justice.

Prohibition of Expansion: Any attempt to expand governance beyond these roles is null and void.

Bitcoin as the Reserve Currency: All official financial transactions are conducted in Bitcoin with publicly visible addresses to ensure transparency. Any attempt to reintroduce fiat currencies or centralized financial control is considered a violation of core principles and subject to immediate nullification.

Voluntary Service and Decentralized Compensation: Governance roles are voluntary with no compensation unless provided transparently by decentralized communities.

Ban on Lobbying and External Compensation: No person serving within governance may receive outside compensation during or after service.

Article III: Decentralized Governance Structure


Legislative Participation and Voting: Legislation is voluntary and limited to single-issue voting. All proposals and votes must be focused and clear.

Voting Age Restriction: Voting rights are granted to those aged 30 and above to ensure decisions are made by those with significant life experience.

Anonymity and Privacy in Voting: All voting mechanisms preserve anonymity or pseudonymity by default, with no linkage between voting identities and personal data unless voluntarily disclosed. Any attempt to correlate or de-anonymize voting data is unconstitutional.

Decentralized Dispute Resolution: Disputes are resolved through competing arbitration systems chosen by those involved, ensuring voluntary, decentralized legal interpretation. Voluntary human-led arbitration remains an option with no centralized oversight or mandatory framework.

Article IV: Rights and Protections


Right to Bear Arms: Sovereigns have the unrestricted right to own, manufacture, acquire, trade, transport, carry, and use all types of weapons, from basic tools to the most advanced and deadly known to man, including firearms, explosives, energy weapons, chemical and biological weapons, and other destructive devices. No entity shall impose regulations, restrictions, registration requirements, or any other form of control over the ownership, creation, or trade of weapons by individuals. Weapons are to be used in accordance with the Non-Aggression Principle. It is both a duty and an honor for every citizen to develop the skills necessary to handle firearms safely and effectively, as they stand as the first line of defense against any aggressor.

Right to Private Contracts and Voluntary Exchange: Sovereigns are free to enter into private contracts and engage in voluntary exchanges without external interference. Terms of agreements, dispute resolution, and enforcement are decided solely by the parties involved.

Right to Privacy and Encryption: Sovereigns have the right to secure their communications and data using encryption tools and secure technologies. Governments are prohibited from mandating backdoors, monitoring communications, or interfering with an individual’s right to privacy.

Freedom of Movement and Travel: Sovereigns have the right to travel freely within and between communities that are open and consent to such movement. Communities retain the right to restrict access to their private or designated areas, provided that these restrictions are clearly communicated and do not infringe on immutable rights. This right does not extend to trespassing on private property or spaces where access has not been granted by the owner or governing body. Communities are encouraged to maintain open transit routes between regions to facilitate peaceful and voluntary movement.

Right to Unregulated Commerce and Free Markets: Sovereigns have the right to engage in commerce without tariffs, taxes, or restrictions on the sale, trade, or barter of goods and services. This includes the freedom to use alternative currencies, engage in peer-to-peer markets, and establish businesses without permits or licenses.

Right to Self-Sovereignty and Autonomous Communities: Communities have the right to form autonomous zones, secede from any governance model, and establish their own rules, provided they do not infringe on the rights of others. Individuals retain the unalienable right to exit such communities at any time.

Right to Resist Unjust Laws: Sovereigns have the right to lawfully resist any law, mandate, or decree that violates the core principles of this constitution or infringes upon inherent rights. This includes the right to disobey and resist unconstitutional orders without penalty.

Right to Experimental Technologies and Innovation: Sovereigns are free to develop, use, and distribute any technology, including experimental tools and innovations, without government restrictions, patents, or intellectual property claims.

Right to Bodily Autonomy and Medical Freedom: Sovereigns retain the right to make all decisions regarding their bodies, including the right to refuse medical procedures, vaccinations, and health mandates. No entity may impose medical requirements against an individual’s will.

Prohibition of Civil Asset Forfeiture: Property cannot be seized without due process, a court ruling, and clear proof of a crime.

Right to Jury Nullification: Jurors have the right to engage in jury nullification and must be informed of this right during trials.

Prohibition on Forced Association: No entity may force individuals or businesses to associate or provide services against their will.

Freedom from Government-Controlled Media and Information Censorship: Governments are prohibited from controlling media, censoring information, or restricting access to knowledge. Individuals retain the right to access and share information freely.

Article V: Checks on Governance Power


Sunset Clauses and Reviews: Laws and regulations expire unless reaffirmed. Communities can opt out of automatic deactivation if stability is needed, with a simple reaffirmation process.

Transparent Financial Oversight: All transactions are publicly visible and auditable through Bitcoin addresses.

Preventing Economic Manipulation: Governance cannot be used to enforce monopolies. Monopolistic protections or privileges cannot be granted to any private entity, ensuring free-market competition.

Voluntary, Decentralized Education: Education is voluntary, decentralized, and free from government involvement.

Opt-In Governance Models: Participation in self-sovereign identity systems, crisis response frameworks, and decentralized governance models is entirely voluntary. Crisis response coordination remains purely voluntary, with communities having full autonomy to opt out.

Participation Accessibility: Governance participation is accessible through multiple mediums, including offline and in-person methods, ensuring inclusivity even for those with limited technology access.

Article VI: Amendment Process


Amendment Restrictions: No amendments may expand governance power.

Voluntary Amendment Approval: Amendments must be approved by consensus and cannot be imposed on non-participants.

Immutable Core Principles: Core principles are unalterable and unamendable.

Experimental Governance Models: This constitution is one of many possible frameworks within a broader decentralized ecosystem. Communities are free to opt into alternative governance models or experiment with new systems as they see fit.

Article VII: Additional Immutable Protections and Provisions


Ban on Covert Operations: All governance activities must be transparent and publicly auditable.

Citizen-Led Audits and Monitoring: Citizen-led, peer-to-peer audits ensure continuous transparency.

Automatic Nullification: Any action infringing on constitutional principles is nullified automatically.

Strict Limits on Surveillance and Data Collection: Surveillance and data collection without consent are prohibited.

Immutable Right to Exit: Sovereigns can exit any governance framework without penalty.

Decentralized Dispute Resolution Marketplaces: Open, competing systems are encouraged to resolve disputes.

Interoperability and Pluralism: Different governance models coexist with clear protocols for cooperation. Voluntary, interoperable frameworks for trade and dispute resolution are encouraged to ensure smooth interactions between communities while preserving full local autonomy.

Ban on Central Banking and Fiat Currency: Central banking systems and fiat currencies are banned.

Decentralized Emergency Response Networks: Crisis response is voluntary and community-driven, with no centralized control.

Ban on Intellectual Property Laws: Intellectual property claims are unenforceable. All ideas, inventions, and creative works remain free for public use.

Enhanced Whistleblower Protections: Whistleblowers are protected by decentralized review panels, with safeguards against malicious claims.

Citizen-Driven Redress Mechanisms: Grievances and systemic issues are resolved through voluntary, decentralized processes driven by community consensus and participation. All processes are transparent and respect the autonomy of each community.

Contractual Fairness: All contracts are subject to mutual renegotiation or voiding if conditions arise that create significant imbalances. This principle ensures fairness and adaptability in agreements across varying circumstances.

Voluntary Common Law System: A voluntary “common law” style framework is available for communities seeking consistent legal precedents while preserving independence. Communities are not obligated to adhere to any external common law unless they voluntarily opt into such systems.

Inclusivity and Technology Access: Decentralized initiatives encourage broad technology access. Governance participation options extend to non-digital methods, ensuring inclusivity for all community members, regardless of technological capability.

Dynamic Adaptability Clauses: Communities may periodically review and assess new technologies or shifts in society to determine if updated approaches are needed, while ensuring that any changes uphold core principles and rights.

Decentralized Autonomous Infrastructure and Utilities: Communities have the right to build and manage autonomous infrastructure (e.g., decentralized energy production) without interference from centralized authorities. This supports independent and resilient living systems for all communities.

Global Economic and Political Participation: Participation in global economic or political agreements is voluntary and cannot be imposed without explicit community consensus. Sovereigns retain the right to opt out or pursue alternative arrangements freely.

Universal Application of Immutable Rights: Immutable rights are universally protected across all communities. No community or citizen may opt out of these rights, and all governance models must uphold them without exception.

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